Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Significance of Actor Slates

Often times, before Casting Directors (CDs) will even considering seeing talent, it's important for a good impression to be made before even being asked to audition for a unionized film by submitting a good Actor's Slate.  Acting is reacting, and before an actor should showcase his or her talents in the role he or she will be developing, if possible, let the CDs get a chance to see who you really are by acting naturally as you would everyday.  For a great example, please click on the below video for my slate, as I provide a wide range of exemplified emotions and personalities within a limited amount of time.  Tell me what you think?? :-)



  1. That's a great idea. CDs should definitely see all of the different facial expressions, personalities, etc. from the actor so he or she knows what they can do.

  2. I's a good way to gather a synopsis on the emotional outlooks of people...good and bad! In this world, CD's don't have time to see many people, so it's a way to screen those either have what they're looking for and those that don't. I've had to learn this concept the hard way, and I'm still learning :-)


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