Saturday, July 6, 2013

Mystery Diners - National Television Premiere!

For those of you out there that are unfamiliar with Mystery Diners, it is a Television Series that comes on the Food Network.  New episodes are released every Friday Night.  With hidden cameras installed in a random restaurant selected each week across the nation, Mystery Diners and the Restaurant Manager(s) are able to uncover any wrongdoings from any of the staff during a given shift while the manager(s) are absent.  Wrongdoings and offenses can include stealing cash tips, recipes, food, etc.  Nailing two birds with one stone, viewers across the country get entertained by watching this show. That's why the show is in its 3rd season.
Most recently, I appeared on a show episode that was filmed in Fort Worth, TX titled Barbecue Blues.  For fellow actors or people that have had the dream to entertain people, being on National Television creates the feeling of an optimistic rush.  Knowing that several thousands of people are watching you from around the world, in a way, I felt like I was making a difference by stamping a seal of emotion in the viewers' eye.  It's an escape vehicle for those that want to get away and be entertained or enlightened. 
The episode titled Barbecue Blues is consistently reran on The Food Network.  Feel free to check it out on YouTube here.

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